In the year that marks 100 years of Portuguese Animated Film, the Annecy Festival is joining the celebrations with seven film programmes curated by various experts.
These sessions will give international audiences the chance to appreciate several contemporary works of Portuguese animation, as well as the talent of our artists. Portugal will also be represented at a series of sessions and events throughout the festival, including a stand dedicated to the country and a masterclass with Regina Pessoa at Le Campus Mifa.
Portugal is taking over the Annecy International Animated Film Festival and spreading its warm, festive vibes around the city, starting with the Festival poster designed by Regina Pessoa.
The Portuguese Short Film Agency has 2 short films in the Official Selection in competition: ‘It Shouldn't Rain Tomorrow (Amanhã não dão Chuva)’, by Maria Trigo Teixeira (Short Film - Perspectives), and ‘Percebes’, by Alexandra Ramires and Laura Gonçalves (Short Film - Official).
The Special Programmes pay tribute to Portuguese animation with no less than 61 short films in 7 programmes: Abi & Regina, a Happy Story; BAP Animação, a Co-operative Studio; 100 Years, Three Generations; Women in Portuguese Animation; The Journey of a ‘Suspect’ and Company; The New Century; A New Generation.
The selection features numerous Portuguese films, including 4 by Regina Pessoa, patron of Le Campus Mifa, of which ‘Uncle Thomas, Accounting for the Days (Tio Tomás, A Contabilidade dos Dias)’ received the Annecy Festival Jury Prize in 2019 and ‘Tragic Story With Happy Ending (História Trágica com Final Feliz)’, winner of the 2006 Annecy Crystal, as well as several awards at different cultural events.
Portugal also features on the juries, with Portuguese judges such as: José Miguel Ribeiro, in the Contrechamp Feature Film category, and David Doutel, in the VR Works category.
In this 2024 edition, Mifa is highlighting Portugal, with a pavilion housing 18 professional Portuguese animation studios.
Throughout the week, there will also be a wide range of fascinating events dedicated to Portugal, including Pitch Sessions, a masterclass by Regina Pessoa, as well as XR Conferences and Showrooms.