The animated short film by Maria Trigo Teixeira will be at the 48th edition of the Festival International du Film d'Animation d'Annecy.
The film 'It Shouldn't Rain Tomorrow' (2024, Portugal, Germany, ANI, 11'30") is in the PERSPECTIVES section of the 48th Annecy International Festival of Animation, which will take place between 9th and 15th June.
Co-produced by AIM - Creative Studios (Portugal) and Wait-a-Second (Germany), the animated short film by director Maria Trigo Teixeira tells the story of Oma who, as she gets older, begins to change her perception of the world around her. While her daughter tries to adapt to the new situation, Oma sinks deeper and deeper into herself.
At the same festival, 'Percebes', by Laura Gonçalves and Alexandra Ramires, is in the official selection of short films in competition.